Welcome to the Release Notes for Update 27! These notes where published on Monday, July 27th.
Form an alliance with powerful celestial beings known as the Archons in our newest Adventure Pack "Trials of the Archons"! Experience brand new quests and an all new raid in the plane of eternal battle, Shavarath! Can you earn the respect and trust of the Archons to help combat the schemes of the Pit Fiend Arraetrikos?
Available for level 13 Heroic and Level 30 Epic! The quest-givers are located in Amrath, which can be accessed from the Tower of the Twelve or the Shavarath Planescaller in the Eberron Hall of Heroes.
This adventure pack is free to VIPs!
See what else is new to DDO with Update 27 in the DDO Store by clicking here!

- Guild Airship Tavern Regeneration will now allow players to swap and select spells, and rejuvenate clickies
- Players can now craft directly from their Shared Bank: Crafting Storage supply when using a Barter UI. When crafting, the Barter UI will automatically search your Crafting Storage for items that match the available recipes.
DDO Store
- Long-lasting ability score potions purchased from the DDO Store are now Bound to Account.
- The Magic Missile Ward portion of Enlightened Spirit's Shield enhancement no longer disappears after a few minutes.
- Enlightened Spirit Warlocks will no longer immediately die when trying to resurrect.
- The Tainted Scholar's Enervating Shadow negative levels no longer affect bosses.
- Eldritch Wave now breaks breakables properly.
- Spiritual Retribution now works on unarmed attacks.
- The Spell Power scaling of Eldritch Burst and Spirit Blast is now 120% (instead of 150%.)
- Shining Through now grants temporary Hit Points equal to 12x your Constitution Score (was 15x.)
- The color of the top renown guild tier is now purple-ish.
- In preparation for some upcoming hireling AI improvements, we've created a banner that now displays when a hireling is ordered to stand its ground. This banner is visible only by the player controlling the hireling, and marks the general area where the hireling should stand.
- Fixed some conditions that could cause a Hireling to go "brain dead" during combat.
Monster Manual
- A new Monster Manual volume is now available in the DDO Store! The Monster Manual remains free to VIPs.
Mysterious Remnants
The Monster Hunter in the Hall of Heroes now offers two new Defense Tomes and three new Offense Tomes in exchanged for Mysterious Remnants:
- +1 Tome of Magic Resistance
- +1 Tome of Physical Resistance
- +1 Tome of Melee Power
- +1 Tome of Ranged Power
- +1 Tome of Spell Power
He also offers Upgrade Tomes that increase the +1 to +2.
- Each +1 Tome costs 5,000 Remnants.
- Each upgrade to +2 costs 7,500 Remnants.
- The bonus from these tomes, once consumed, shows up on your character sheet in the form a Feat. Upgrades cause you to gain the feat an additional time (mousing over the feat will show you acquired it 2 times).
- Like other Tome bonuses, these feats persist through Reincarnation.
- The Champion Hunter in the Hall of Heroes has been renamed to Monster Hunter.
- There are now warlock trainers in The Harbor and The Portable Hole.
Quests and Adventure Areas
Devils of Shavarath
- Players no longer need to own the Devils of Shavarath adventure pack to travel to the Amrath public area.
- There is now a Planescaller to Amrath in the Eberron Hall of Heroes.
- The Shavarath Environmental Effect no longer gives a general +4 to all saving throws to players and monster characters. It now reads: "The plane of Shavarath inspires great heroism, while impeding fear effects and most compulsions or charms. +4 Morale bonus to Attack; +4 Morale bonus to all skills; +4 Enhancement bonus to Will saves vs. Fear; +4 Enhancement bonus to Will saves vs. Enchantments"
Eveningstar Cavern
- Fixed an issue that prevented Iconic characters from traveling to the Spinner's Prison.
Menace of the Underdark
House of Broken Chains
- Breaking doors with an Eldritch Blast no longer blocks completion of the quest.
House of Broken Chains
Temple of Elemental Evil
- The Rust Monster Rare has been renamed to Bladebreaker after getting a Cease and Desist Order from Thunderholme.
- Power Word: Stun and Power Word: Blind now works on monsters above 100,000 hit points.
- The Warlock spell Silence now accepts Heighten as a metamagic.
- A number of monsters that are warded against Charm are now also warded against Confusion to prevent a number of undesirable issues.
- The Warlock's Summon Monster IX now requires level 6 spell components instead of incorrectly requiring level 9 components.
- The Full Screen check box in the Graphics Options has been replaced by a Screen Mode drop-down menu, from which you can select Windowed, Full Screen, and (in Windows) Full Screen (Windowed), which runs the game in a borderless window at desktop resolution.
- There is now an option under UI Settings to show a "stand your ground" banner for hirelings and class pets.
- There is now an NPC in the Hall of Heroes and on guild airships that allow a character to temporarily suspend their Bravery Bonus. This is a toggle, and will remain in effect until toggled again by speaking to the NPC. The Bravery Bonus will not reset nor increment when suspended.
- There is now a Search box and a "Show All" button at the top of the Options Panel, allowing you to show only options matching particular text.
- The Flawless Victory Bonus is now per character, and characters will no longer lose the bonus unless they die. Someone else in the group dying no longer removes this bonus. Hireling deaths also no longer reduce the Flawless Bonus.