Update 42.4 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 42.4, released on Tuesday, August 13th.
News and Notes:
Reaper Mode
- Creatures in High Skull Reaper have a lesser amount of damage resistance than they do now. Damage resistance ramps up more slowly, and resistance to ranged and magic is further reduced to match melee resistance.
- Creatures in Reaper will have an additional +4 to their Saving Throws versus Spells.
- Monster Spell Penetration Rolls in Reaper have been increased. This does not affect the player's ability to penetrate monster spell penetration; only attacks on players from monsters.
- Incorporeality will be reduced in Reaper by the same amount as Blur and Displacement.
- Charmed creatures will no longer gain the Reaper monster damage bonus.
- The defenses of Reapers have been increased.
- There are new Reapers - some that appear in all difficulties, and some that appear in Reaper Skull 6 and above.
- The appearance of Lost Souls will scale with party size and Reaper skulls. There will be fewer appearing for smaller parties and on lower Reaper levels.
- Fear Reaper damage now scales better into higher levels.
Bravery Streak for both Hard and Elite is now Hard Dungeons Completed and Elite Dungeons Completed. Bravery streaks will no longer end; they won’t have a chance for ending, you won’t need to turn off your streak, and you can freely play at any difficulty without the count resetting. The bravery streak bonus will be moved into the standard bravery bonus at its full value. We will still track how many times you finish hard and elite dungeons in the UI, but you are no longer required to playing 5 dungeons in a row at a specific difficulty to build a streak.
- To clarify how the new totals work: as previously, when you complete a Hard dungeon quest your Hard Dungeons completed total will increase. When you complete a Elite or Reaper dungeon quest your Hard and Elite totals will be increased.
Bravery Bonus will be based on the base XP for the dungeon as if you were on elite, even if you are playing on hard. Right now the Bravery streak is, at full bonus, 70% of the base XP on Elite. We are increasing that bonus to 100% so players will get more XP the first time they play each quest.
- Playing a quest on Elite/Reaper will give the full 100% bonus. Playing the quest on Hard gives 50% of the Bravery bonus XP, but you can reclaim the rest of the Bravery XP if you play it later on Elite or Reaper. So the most efficient way to get the Bravery XP bonus is to play on Elite or Reaper, but if you help a friend on Hard you can still get the rest of the difference on Elite/Reaper later.
- The Daily bonus will be increased from 20% to 25% for Heroic dungeons, and 30% for Epic dungeons.
In order to pay for the above increases, some of the Experience in the first time bonus per difficulty is being reduced. This will keep the total bonus experience at the same total percentage that it was before this patch.
- Normal difficulty will decrease from 25% to 20%.
- Hard difficulty will decrease from 40% to 20%.
- Elite difficulty will decrease from 80% to 45%.
Reaper difficulty will decrease from 120% to 95%.
- On Normal, Hard, and Elite, the first time through a Heroic dungeon, including the daily bonus, will be the same as it is on live. The first time through Epic dungeons will give slightly more XP.
- Optional Objectives now ransack, and that ransack will not reset over time. An Epic, Racial, True, or Iconic Reincarnation will reset that ransack.
- Characters cannot enter a Reaper dungeon if they are too high level as compared to the dungeon; in the Heroic levels this limit is more than 4 levels above the base challenge rating of the dungeon, and in Epic levels this limit is more than 6 levels as it is on live. As always, Epic characters cannot enter Heroic dungeons on Reaper difficulty.
Reaper Experience now uses the same over and under level XP penalties as regular XP, which is based off of the modified level of the quest.
- To clarify, a level 14 character running a level 12 dungeon on Reaper (which would have a modified quest level of 14) will now receive full Reaper Experience.
- A level 15 character running a level 12 dungeon on reaper (modified quest level of 14) will receive full Reaper Experience, but lose Bravery Bonus for regular experience.
- A level 16 character running a level 12 dungeon on reaper (modified quest level of 14) will receive a -10% overlevel penality to their Reaper experience, and lose their Bravery Bonus for regular experience.
- A level 17 character can not enter a level 12 dungeon as they are more than 4 levels higher than the unmodified quest level.
The following quests have had their XP lowered:
Grim and Barrett- down from 4884 base xp to 4246
Jungle of Khyber- down from 8740 to 7828 - epic base xp unchanged.
Litany of the Dead - down from 8740 to 7300 exp
Shadow Crypt - decreased from 9820 to 8380
Spies in the house - decreased from 7395 to 6560
The following quests have had their XP raised
- Desire in the Dark - increased from 4324 to 5591 base xp
- Records of the Past - increased from 4324 to 5028 base xp
- Graveyard Shift -increased from 4183 to 4746
- Third Time's a Charm- increased from 4183 to 5591
- Strike Back - increased from 4183 to 5591
- Temple of Elemental Evil Part 1 - increased from 4729 to 6927 base exp
- Temple of Elemental Evil Part 2 - increased from 4068 to 5220 exp
- New Comers - increased from 4660 to 6180 base xp
- Black and Blue - increased from 4660 to 5572 xp
- A Small Problem - increased from 3087 to 3236
- Partycrashers - increased from 2200 to 2900
- The Snitch - increased from 2060 to 2321
- Under the Big Top - increased from 2340 to 2620
- Fathom the Depths - increased from 3988 to 4204
- The Claw of Vulkoor - increased from 2800 to 3016
- The Last Stand - increased from 2260 to 2368
- Into the Deep -increased from 4420 to 5500
- White Plume Mountain - increased from 5068 to 6148
- Slave Pits of the Undercity increased from 2933 to 4860
- Assault on the Aerie of the slavers incrased from 3500 to 4860
- Fashion Madness - increased from 4780 to 5140
- The Lord of Stone - increased from 5124 to 5443
- Terminal Delirium - increased from 6040 to 8092 (honorable mention of most deaths on average for a none raid quest)
- Palace of Stone- increased from 5061 to 5644
- Detour - increased from 5528 to 5798
- Rest Stop - increased from 3953 to 4223
- A Stay at the Inn- increased from 3250 to 3502
- The End of the Road - increased from 5680 to 5903
Epic Destinies
Grandmaster of Flowers:
- Inner Focus and Wholeness of Spirit now allow for movement during use.
- NEW: T5: Devastating Critical (+1 Critical Multiplier on a 19-20) (1 Rank, 1AP)
- NEW: T2: The Flower's Thorn: +3[w] attack. 6 second cooldown. Does not require Centering. Has cool petal FX. (1 Rank, 1AP)
- Everything is Nothing now has a smaller detect (double the size of Drifting Lotus, but still smaller than its existing version), and hits a maximum of 6 enemies.
- Everything is Nothing moves to a 3 minute cooldown, no longer requires charging.
- Dancing with Flame no longer requires Sun Stance for its (w) bonus.
- Standing with Stone no longer requires Mountain Stance for its PRR.
- Walking with Waves no longer requires Ocean stance for its Dodge bonus.
- Hail of Blows now adds +3 melee damage in addition to its doublestrike.
- Running with the Wind now adds 2/4/6% Doublestrike to everyone (no more stance requirement).
- A Dance of Flowers is now 0.25[w]/0.5[w]/1[w], but no longer requires you to be Centered.
- Wholeness of Spirit has its cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.
- Ki actives (the left column) now scale with the higher of Melee or Ranged Power.
- Ki actives get Stunning bonuses added to their DC calculations.
- Ki actives can now be used under Antimagic, as they are not spells.
- Ki actives are no longer linked in a line.
- Lily Petal and Orchid Blossom now care about levels 26-30 in terms of scaling with character level (was previously capping at 25).
- Lily Petal now grants 5 Ki instead of costing Ki.
- A Scattering of Petals no longer grants Dodge, and instead grants +100 PRR and 10 Natural Armor for 12 seconds.
- A Scattering of Petals also reduces enemy Fortification by 200% for 12 seconds, and affected creatures lose immunity to Sneak Attack for that duration.
- A Scattering of Petals now has a detect the same size as Drifting Lotus (i.e. twice as large).
- A Scattering of Petals now has a 90 second cooldown.
Legendary Dreadnought:
- Momentum Swing and Lay Waste no longer require Power Attack to be active to use.
- Momentum Swing and Lay Waste no longer require Cleave and Great Cleave (though those feats still reset the cooldown of Momentum Swing).
- Lay Waste now adds Trip Bonuses to its DC.
- Unmoveable and Thick Skinned are no longer Action Boosts (they didn't really act like them anyway, they were just using their charge counters). Instead, they are instead simply restricted to their respective cooldowns (which are unchanged).
- Tactical Genius is now: Unusual Tactics: Passive: You are a studied master of a wide variety of methods for gaining the upper hand. +2 to the DCs of your Tactical Feats, DC of Rune Arm shots, DC of Breath Weapons, DC of Assasinate, DC of Poisons, and +2 to the Perform, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills.
- Combat Brute's Helplessness damage is now 20%.
- Shadow Lance now adds Assassinate Bonuses to its DC calculation.
- Shadow Lance now uses the higher of your Intelligence and Dexterity Modifiers in its DC calculation.
- Shadow Lance now uses full character level in its DC calculation.
- Shadow Lance no longer requires Shadow Charges to blind.
- Shadow Lance's Blind is no longer based on chance, but tries to apply on each hit.
- Shadow Lance's damage now scales with 400% of the higher of your Melee and Ranged Power.
- Shadow Lance's damage is now (4d8+18)/(6d8+24)/(8d8+30).
- Shadow Lance's cooldown is now 30/20/10 seconds.
- Shrouding Strike/Shot no longer mark the target for Shadow Charges; instead, they apply a stack of Improved Destruction.
- Shrouding Strike/Shot now have a 6-second cooldown.
- Consume now adds Assassinate bonuses to its DC calculation.
- Consume now uses the higher of your Intelligence and Dexterity Modifiers in its DC calculation.
- Consume no longer uses Shadow Charges, nor grants Maximum Shadow Charges.
- Consume now has a 3-minute cooldown.
- Consume should now more consistently pick living enemies to target (and no longer pick doors/barrels/misc non-enemy targets).
- Shadow Manipulation now adds Assassinate bonuses to its DC calculation.
- Shadow Manipulation now uses the higher of your Intelligence and Dexterity Modifiers in its DC calculation.
- Shadow Manipulation no longer uses Shadow Charges, nor grants Maximum Shadow Charges.
- Shadow Manipulation now has a 3-minute cooldown.
- Shadow Manipulation no longer requires Cloak of Shadow.
- Cloak of Shadows no longer uses Shadow Charges, nor grants Maximum Shadow Charges.
- Cloak of Shadows no longer requires Shrouding Strike/Shot.
- Executioner's Strike/Shot now has a 12-second cooldown.
- Executioner's Strike/Shot now has a DC of (10 + Character level + INT or DEX mod + Assassinate bonuses).
- Executioner's Strike/Shot can now be used while under Antimagic.
- You can now move while using Executioner's Strike/Shot.
- Dark Imbuement no longer uses Dark Imbuement Charges, and just functions on a cooldown.
- Dark Imbuement now has a 2-minute cooldown.
- Dark Imbuement now costs 1AP.
- Dark Imbuement no longer requires Shadow Form.
- Dark Imbuement now also grants +15 Melee and Ranged power while active, as well as +2 Sneak Attack Dice while active.
- Dark Imbuement's Unholy damage now scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power.
- Dark Imbuements ranged explosion Unholy damage now scales with 200% Ranged Power.
- Shadow Form no longer uses Shadow Charges, nor grants Maximum Shadow Charges.
- Shadow Form's tooltip now clarifies that it is considered a Major Form.
- Shadow Form now costs 1AP.
- Untouchable now passively grants 3% Dodge and +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.
- The last Core of Shadowdancer now passively grants +2 to Assassinate DCs.
- Meld Into Darkness' tooltip now mentions that it bypasses Dodge Cap (the normal one, not the new hard-95% one).
- Shadowdancer now grants +6 Ranged Power per Core (was +4).
- Removed prerequisites from Cloak of Shadows, Improved Invisibility, Shadow Manipulation, Untouchable, Consume, Shadow Form, and Dark Imbuement.
Fury of the Wild:
- Fury made Placid is reduced to a 2% chance on no save. Healing scales with Melee Power. Gain +10% Doublestrike and +20 PRR and MRR while in this state.
- Unbridled Fury no longer requires charging. (Keeps its 5 minute cooldown).
- You can now use Unbridled Fury while under Antimagic.
- Fury Made Placid and Fury Eternal now cost 1AP each.
- NEW: T1: (Multiselector with Boulder Toss): Boulder's Might: Requires being in Two-Handed Fighting style to use (i.e. no Natural Fighting). 5[w] attack, 6 second cooldown. Rank 2 and 3 add +1 and +2 Critical Multiplier on that attack. (3 Ranks, 1AP Each).
- NEW: T5: Devastating Blow (+1 Critical Multiplier on 19-20 with Melee weapons) (1 Rank, 2AP).
- NEW: T5: Strong Swings: +10 Melee Power. While fighting in Two Handed Fighting style, this is instead +25. (1 Rank, 2AP).
- NEW: T6: Bloodbath: This doubles your Vorpal Threat Range while you are Two Handed Fighting.
Primal Avatar:
- Spirit Charges no longer exist in this tree.
- Primal Avatar gets +1 Evocation and Transmutation DC at cores 2, 4, and 6.
- Strength of Spirit is now a Passive granting +20 Universal Spell Power. (The tree still grants +10 Melee and +4 Ranged Power per core).
- Primal Travel no longer costs Spirit, and now has a 90 second cooldown. It also now has a 20 second duration.
- Primal travel's jump back can no longer be cancelled.
- Mighty Among Spirits no longer reduces Spirit Decay (as Spirit no longer exists), and instead grants +15 MRR (in addition to the +20 HP it currently gives).
- Eternal Return no longer costs Spirit.
- Walk With Spirits is no longer a toggle. On activation, you gain its effects for 30 seconds. It now has a 4 minute cooldown.
- Spirit Boon (both versions) no longer requires Spirit.
- Tsunami now uses a bigger + better detect and has FX similar to Cold Breath.
- Avatar of Nature no longer requires Spirit. Each of its Sizes now lasts for 6 seconds, except for the largest, which lasts for 12 and then shuts off the Form. It now has a 5 minute cooldown.
- Summer Smoke, Supple as Spring, and Chill of Winter are now applied more efficiently, should cause fewer performance issues, and should no longer get stuck on players - Like Bard Auras, the effects are re-applied every few seconds and expire after some time. These now only apply to party members.
Shiradi Champion:
- The first five cores (replacing their existing attack/damage bonuses) add +1 to hit and damage with ranged weapons.
- Cores of Shiradi Champion now each grant +10 Ranged Power (was +4).
- Favorable Winds and Fey Power scale with 200% Ranged Power.
- Stay Frosty's cold damage scales with 200% ranged power.
- Stay Frosty now passively provides its +3/+6 Spot and Listen.
- Stay Good's light damage scales with 200% ranged power.
- Rainbow's random damage scales with 200% ranged power.
- Added clarifying language to Double Rainbow to indicate that its effects may scale with Melee, Ranged, or Spell Power depending on the origin of effects it finds.
- Whirling Wrists also grants +2/4/6% Doubleshot.
- Wild Shots scales with 200% Ranged Power.
- Rain of Arrows no longer requires charging.
- Rain of Arrows now has a 3-minute cooldown.
- Rain of Arrows' damage scales with 200% Ranged Power.
- Rain of Arrows now costs 1AP.
- Rain of Arrows' tooltip now properly reflects its 20% of application per second (previously read 10%).
- Tea With the Queen now costs 1AP.
- Track also debuffs fortification by 2% per stack.
- Stand & Deliver now alson grants +1mult on 19-20 with Ranged weapons.
- In The Weeds adds +3 PRR and +3 MRR per stack.
- NEW: Hunt's End (T6): Your next shot with a Ranged or Thrown weapon has +400% damage and +16 to its Critical Threat Range. 24 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP).
- Rainbow no longer procs Positive damage, and can instead occasionally proc Bane damage.
Unyielding Sentinel:
- Commanding Presence's hate triples to 150/300/450%.
- Stand Against the Tide's extra hate jumps to 60% per stack (300% at full stacks, was 100%).
- Stand Against the Tide's extra hate now applies to missile weapon damage and magic damage as well (was previously melee-only).
- Unyielding Sentinel's Renewal ability now properly gets its first tick of healing, at the time of casting.
- Divine Energy Resistance can now be cast directly on allies (instead of only yourself).
- Ward Against Evil's light damage scales with 400% of the higher of Melee and Ranged Power.
- Rank 3 of Ward Against Evil now also grants you immunity to the Mind Control effects of Evil creatures.
- You can now use Undying Vanguard while Crowd-Controlled and/or Helpless.
- Undying Vanguard's Temporary HP now last for 30 seconds.
- NEW: T4: Draw them Out: Melee Attack: +3[w]. This attack adds 300 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP).
- NEW: T6: Celestial Mandate: Melee Attack: +5[w]. This attack adds 2000 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP).
Exalted Angel:
- Reborn in Light no longer charges with Endless Ardor and Righteous Fervor; instead, it is once per Rest (keeps 10min cooldown).
- Exalted Angel's Soundburst SLA now has targeting parameters matching the original spell.
- Exalted Angel's Mass Cure Moderate Wounds SLA can now be targeted on Undead.
- Exalted Angel's Ascendance transformation now has somewhat less blinding VFX.
- Exalted Angel's Endless Faith no longer requires Radiant Power and/or Healing Power.
Divine Crusader:
- Divine Crusader's Aura of Purification should now work on more than one target at a time.
- Castigation's damage now works on bosses as listed.
- Castigation now grants its listed Melee Power.
- No Regret now grants its listed Melee Power.
- Strike Down's tooltip now correctly says it deals Light damage.
- Strike Down's Light damage now scales with 200% Melee Power.
- Strike Down can now be used while moving.
- Confront Any Foe now adds +3[W].
- Confront Any Foe's Light damage now scales with 300% Melee Power.
- Smite the Wicked's Light damage is now 100 against Evil creatures and 100 against Undead creatures. Evil Undead creatures take both.
- Smite the Wicked's Light damage now scales with 200% Melee Power.
- Smite the Wicked now destroys Undead and Evil Outsiders under 1500 HP on a Vorpal.
- Stand and be Judged now has a DC of 10+Wisdom Modifier+Character Level+Stunning Bonuses (We also made it faster & more reliable to cast a few Updates ago).
- Celestial Bombardment now only has 1 rank, that does what the old Rank 3 did.
- Celestial Bombardment now costs 20SP.
- Celestial Bombardment now takes the Enlarge, Maximize, Empower, Intensify, Embolden, and Quicken Metamagics.
- Celestial Bombardment is now significantly quicker to cast.
- Moved Celestial Champion one spot left, to the middle of T5, it just feels better there.
- Celestial Champion's Doublestrike and Doubleshot is now Melee and Ranged Power (+1 per stack) and Sacred-Typed.
- NEW: T4: The Book of War: (Multiselector): Pick one of the following to gain as a Favored Weapon: Longsword, Longbow, Morningstar, Greatsword (1 Rank, 1AP).
- NEW: T6: The Book of War: Wrath of the Divine: While wielding a Favored Weapon in your Main Hand, you gain +1 to Hit and Damage for every 2 Religious Lore Feats you have with all equipped weapons and shields. (1 Rank, 1AP).
- Added +1 to all Spell DCs to each Core (in addition to what those cores were doing already).
- Imperceptible Casting adds +10 Universal Spell Power while active.
- Fade into the Weave adds +25 Universal Spell Power while active.
- Variable Resistance is unlinked from Sigil of Energy Negation.
- Master of (Spell School) also increases DCs for that school by an additional 1/2/3.
- Arcane Tempest moves to a 30-second cooldown, and a 10-second duration. 30 SP.
- Arcane Tempest is no longer linked to Sigil of Battering Spellcraft.
- Arcane Tempest now costs 1AP.
- Arcane Tempest can now use the Quicken, Maximize, Empower, and Intensify Metamagics.
- Arcane Tempest now has a faster cast animation and cast time.
- Arcane Tempest no longer has a (previously-unlisted) saving throw.
- Arcane Adept now costs 1AP.
- Arcane Tempest's damage is now 1d6+6 per Caster Level (was 2d6).
- Removed the Saving Throw from Arcane Tempest.
- Arcane Spellsurge now has a 1 minute cooldown. 20 SP.
- Nullmagic Aura no longer requires charging. Now has a 4 minute cooldown.
Draconic Incarnation:
- Each Core now adds 5% Spell Crit Damage in addition to what it already does.
- Go Out With A Bang, Energy Burst, and Energy Vortex now apply the Quicken, Empower, Maximize, Embolden, and Intensify Metamagics.
- Acid versions of these spells are now Conjuration spells.
- These spells should now be considered part of their Elements for the purpose of Caster Level increases (other than Savant's caster level increases, which were already working).
- Draconic Incarnation gets +1 Evocation and Conjuration DC at cores 2, 4, and 6.
- Go Out with A Bang, Energy Burst, and Energy Vortex now use their spell schools' (Evocation/Conjuration) bonuses as part of their DC calculation.
- Flyby Attack now adds Evocation modifiers to its DC (Conjuration for the Acid version).
- Dragon Breath no longer uses Charges.
- Dragon Breath now has a 25 second cooldown.
- Dragon Breath spells are now considered part of their spell school for the purpose of Caster Level/Max Caster Level increases.
- Breath attacks now list Evocation/Conjuration as part of their DC calculation (they were already using it).
- Energy Vortex, Draconic Hunger, and Fearsome Invulnerability now cost 1AP each.
- Fearsome Invulnerability no longer needs to be charged.
- It now has a 4 minute cooldown.
- It now also adds +30 PRR, MRR, and MRR Cap for the duration.
- It no longer says it does an Intimidate effect, on account of that functionality never being implemented ever.
- Draconic Hunger's has been changed to: The voracity of your draconic ancestors is strong within you. Once per second, when you cast a spell, there is a 5% chance that you will gain an Enhancement Bonus to Temporary HP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds, and a 5% chance that you will gain an Enhancement Bonus Temporary SP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds.
- If Draconic Fury is active, you also gain a 10% chance that you will gain an Racial Bonus to Temporary HP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds, and a 10% chance that you will gain an Racial Bonus Temporary SP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds.
- Draconic Fury's cooldown reduced to 1 minute.
- Black Dragon Breath is now a Conjuration spell.
- (See below for related Dragonborn changes)
- This tree has been completely redesigned. Some abilities from the old Fatesinger were moved into the new version, and further changes to those abilities are marked accordingly.
- Core 1: Fatesinger's Rep: Each core grants you +10 Melee Power, +4 Ranged Power, +25 Spell Points, 10 universal spell power, +1 Arcane Caster Level, +2 Effective Bard Song Levels and +2 Maximum Bard Songs. You also gain Inspire Courage if you didn't have it before.
- Core 2: Glitter of Fame: +1 All Stats and all saves.
- Core 3: Harmonic Resonance: Attacks have a chance of building up Resonance on your enemies, increasing their Sonic vulnerability and reducing their Armor Class by 2 per stack (max 5 stacks).
- Core 4: Intoxicating Presence: Enemies that strike you have a chance to be Fascinated. (no longer has a health requirement).
- Core 5: Grandeur: Friendly spellcasts bestow bonus AC (+3) and PRR (+3), offensive spellcasts now build up Harmonic Resonance (internal cooldown).
- Core 6: Majesty: You are now immune to Charisma Damage, do not suffer from Arcane Spell Failure, also +25 Universal Spell Power.
Tier 1:
- First Harmonic Chord: Your inspire courage has +1/2/3 hit, dam, saves vs fear, and +3/6/9 Universal spell power. Also, you gain an additional +1/2/3 to Hit, Damage, and +3/6/9 Universal Spell Power.
- Siren's Song: relocated, damage now takes effect even if Mesmerize does not.
- Music of the Spider Queen: also now adds Neutralize Poison to your Bardic Inspiration. The duration of the additional fascinate now matches the other Fascinate durations.
- Dirge: DC is now d20 + Perform, damage now scales with Spell Power.
- +1 Str/Cha
Tier 2:
- Second Harmonic Chord: Your inspire competence has an additional +1/2/3 skills. Also, you gain +1/2/3 all skills.
- Bound Fate: relocated, also:
- Bound Fate's DC is now d20 + Perform.
- Bound Fate's immobilization now actually immobilizes faster creatures.
- Bound Fate's immobilization now lasts slightly longer.
- Bound Fate now has a 1 minute cooldown.
- Reign: relocated, now lasts 10 minutes, no longer requires Bard Songs to activate.
- +1 Str/Cha
Tier 3:
- Third Harmonic Chord: Your inspire greatness has an additional +1/2/3 PRR and 0/0/10 Healing/Neg/Repair amp. Also, you gain an additional +0/0/10 healing/neg/repair amp and +1/2/3 PRR.
- Grim Fate: relocated
- Arcane Hymn: You sing a magical Hymn that resonates within the Arcane Sphere. When you activate this ability, your target is surrounded by magical energies, bestowing Resonance. (HYMNS: Each member of your party, including yourself, may only benefit from one Hymn at a time, regardless of source. Attempting to activate this ability on someone else will dispel this Hymn from your former target. If you attempt to activate a different Hymn on someone who is already benefiting from this Hymn, it will dispel this Hymn as it applies the new one. You may activate this ability on yourself.)
- Arcane: +1 INT WIS CHA, +20 Universal SP, +2 Spell Penetration, +4 UMD, +10% fire/cold/acid/electric absorb.
- Aria: relocated, now lasts 10 minutes, no longer requires Bard Songs to activate, Threat Reduction is now 20/40/60%.
- +1 Str/Cha
Tier 4:
- Fourth Harmonic Chord: Your Inspire Heroics grants +1/2/3 AC, dodge, and saves. Also, you gain an additional +1/2/3 AC and saves.
- Martial Hymn: This is another Hymn, using the same rules as the Arcane Hymn.
- Martial: +1 STR DEX WIS, +2 Sneak Dice, +20 max HP, +10 PRR and MRR, +5 AC, +10 Melee and Ranged Power.
- Divine Hymn: Another hymn, this time divine sphere themed.
- Divine: +1 STR CHA WIS, +1 Smite Evil, +2 to hit, dam, confirm critical hits, +10 PRR and +25 Positive and Negative Spell Power.
- Primal Hymn: Another hymn, this time primal sphere themed.
- Primal: +1 WIS DEX CON, +25 HP, +10 Spell Resistance and healing amp, +10% Thrown and Bow attack speed, +3 Str while raging.
- +1 Str/Cha
Tier 5:
- The Fifth Chord: You have a new Bard Song in your Bardic Ballad/Inspire Courage - Inspire Transcendence - +1 spell DCs, +1 tactics bonuses, +3 Spell Resistance and True Seeing. Also, you benefit from +1 DCs, tactics, +3 SR and are immune to Blindness and have True Seeing.
- Free Metamagic: Pick between Eschew, Extend, or Enlarge. This Metamagic is considered always on at no additional cost.
- Masquerade: in addition to its current effects, now applies 10% Spell Cost Reduction.
- Bladesong: 2d6 Sonic damage on hit scaling with spell power, 3% competence to melee attack speed, and +1 Critical Multiplier on 19-20.
- +1 Str/Cha
Tier 6:
- Greater Shout SLA: 6 second cooldown.
- Free Metamagic 2: Pick between Quicken, Embolden, or Intensify. This Metamagic is considered always on at no additional cost.
- Turn of the Tide: several bug fixes:
- No longer a Bard Song.
- Cooldown is now 3 minutes.
- Sonic and Light damage now apply to bosses.
- Charisma now stacks with Inspire Excellence.
- +1 Str/Cha.
Swords to Plowshares
- There is a new general feat available - Swords to Plowshares. Requires +4 Base Attack Bonus, and is also available as a Monk Bonus feat at levels 1, 2, and 6. The feat grants Quarterstaves, Kamas, and Sickles a +1 Morale bonus to their Critical Threat Range.
- The Thief Acrobat Core 2 (level 3) enhancement, Stick Fighting, now grants Swords to Plowshares regardless of if you meet the prerequisites for it.
Threat Generation
- Stalwart Defender stance's base threat increase is now 150%.
- Sacred Defender stance's base threat increase is now 150%.
- Stalwart Defender's Inciting Defense now adds 150%/300%/450% Competence Bonus to melee threat generation.
- Stalwart Defender's Threatening Countenance now adds 60%/120%/180% to melee threat generation.
- Sacred Defender's Inciting Defense now adds 150%/300%/450% Sacred Bonus to melee threat generation.
- Nature's Protector's Fierce Defense now adds 150%/300%/450% Competence Bonus to melee threat generation.
The maximum number of extra Maximum Hitpoints you can benefit from in Reaper Mode (from taking Reaper Enhancements) is now gated by character level:
- Level 1-5: Maximum of +50 Maximum Hit Points while in Reaper Mode.
- Level 6-10: Maximum of +100 Maximum Hit Points while in Reaper Mode.
- Level 11-15: Maximum of +200 Maximum Hit Points while in Reaper Mode.
- Level 16-20: Maximum of +400 Maximum Hit Points while in Reaper Mode.
- Level 21-25: Maximum of +800 Maximum Hit Points while in Reaper Mode.
- Level 26+: No Cap
New Epic Past Lives
Arcane Sphere: Ancient Knowledge
- Arcane Past Life Stance: +3 MRR per stack of this past life.
- Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage per stack of this past life.
Divine Sphere: Ancient Blessings
- Divine Past Life Stance: +5 Positive, Negative, and Repair Healing Amplification per stack of this past life. (This does not allow you to benefit from Negative/Repair healing if you do not normally do so.)
- Passive Bonus: +3 PRR per stack of this Past Life.
Martial Sphere: Ancient Tactics
- Active Bonus: +2 to Tactics DCs and +1 to Assassinate DCs per stack of this past life.
- Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.
Primal Sphere: Ancient Power
- Primal Past Life Stance: +2 to Attack per stack of this past life. If you are fighting in Two Handed Fighting style, you also gain +2 Damage per stack of this past life.
- Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.
Pale Master:
- Cores:
- Core 1: Dark Reaping: For each Core Ability in this tree you get +5 Negative Spell Power, +5 Universal Spell Power, and +3 Negative Healing Amplification.
Core 2: Pale Shroud: Multiselector: All forms grant 100% critical hit resistance and allow you to be healed by Negative Energy. You take 50% healing from Positive, and double damage from Light. You are considered undead.
- Shroud of the Zombie: While in this form, +4 Constitution, +2 Strength, +20% damage with attacks but you attack 20% slower than normal. You gain +3 PRR, +3 MRR.
- Shroud of the Vampire: While in this form, +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom. +3 Perform skill, and your melee and unarmed attacks have a chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per Wizard Level.
- Shroud of the Wraith: While in this form, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence. Enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to incorporeality, +1 Sneak Attack Dice, and you gain Feather Falling.
- Shroud of the Lich: While in this form, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +10 Negative Amplification, +5 Negative Spell Power, and +15 Magical Resistance Rating.
Core 3: Multiselector: Improved Shrouding: Pick one of the following abilities that applies while in a Pale Shroud: (Passive: While in a Shroud, you can breathe underwater. +1 Spell Penetration.)
- Deathly Tough: 25 Maximum Hit Points, +5 PRR
- Deathly Resistance: 15 Magical Resistance Rating, +2 to all Saves
- Inflict Weariness: Your attacks inflict 2-9 points of Negative Energy damage to a living target. This scales with 100% Spell Power. Your Vorpal Melee Hits cause Energy Drain, inflicting 1 Negative Level on victims.
- Haunting in the Dark: +2 Assassinate DCs, +1 Sneak Attack Dice
- Ghost in the Wind: +10% Incorporeal Miss Chance. (If you are in Wraith Form, this increases your total to 20%).
- Deathly Power: +10 to Negative Energy Spellpower.
- +2 Necromancy DC
- +2 Enchantment DC
- Undead Chill: +15% bonus to Cold Absorption. You no longer take extra damage from Light.
- Undead Shock: +15% bonus to Electric Absorption. You no longer take extra damage from Light.
- Unhallowed Touch: You gain Ghost Touch on all attacks, +5 Hide and Move Silently.
- Core 4: Pick an ability you didn't pick in Core 3. (Passive: +1 Spell Penetration.)
- Core 5: Pick an ability you didn't pick in Core 3+4 (Passive: +50 Maximum Spell Points, +1 Spell Penetration.)
Core 6: Undead Overlord:
- Active: Greater Death Aura SLA. (Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 3 to 12 negative energy damage plus 1 additional point per caster level every two seconds as long as they remain within it. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead are instead healed by the aura. This aura can affect up to one target per caster level. D&D Dice: Deals 3d4 negative energy damage plus 1 per caster level every two seconds.) (This can be cast simultaneously with Lesser Death Aura and Death Aura).
- Passive: You gain +4 Intelligence and Deathblock. +10 Negative Healing Amplification. +2 Spell Penetration.
- Necrotic Touch: 6/4/2 SP, 12/8/4 seconds. Accepts Metamagics. Scales with full Spell Power. For 12 seconds after casting this, your Skeletal Knight reduces its incoming damage by 50%.
- Negative Energy Conduit (relocated)
- Spell Crit: Negative I (unchanged)
- Skeletal Knight: (Cooldown on re-summoning changed to 20 seconds. No summon cost.)
- Deathless Vigor (relocated but otherwise unchanged)
- Cloak of Night: While blocking in a Pale Shroud, you gain invisibility, displacement, and do not take extra damage from Light. Passive: +5 Hide.
- Spell Crit: Negative II (unchanged)
- Corpsecrafter: Your Skeletal Knight gain a +2/4/6 Profane Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
- Efficient Metamagic (unchanged)
- Necrotic bolt: 10/8/5 SP, 15/10/5 seconds. Accepts Metamagics. Scales with full Spell Power.
- Negative Energy Adept: +10/20/30 Negative Amp
- Spell Crit: Negative III (unchanged)
- Eternal Furor: You (while in a Shroud) AND your Skeleton Knight gain +5/10/15 Profane Bonus to PRR. Your Skeletal Knight gains +3/6/10 to hit and damage, +2/4/6 Profane Bonus to AC, and and its attacks bypass 10%/20%/50% of enemy Fortification.
- CON/INT (unchanged)
- Unholy Avatar: While in an Undead Shroud, your Negative Energy attacks leave a lingering debuff on undead foes that leaves them vulnerable to Negative Energy if they were immune.
- Spell Crit: Negative IV (unchanged)
- Deathly Versatile: Pick a second Shroud Toggle. You may only have one active at a time.
- CON/INT (unchanged)
- Necrotic Blast: 20/15/10 SP, 18/12/6 seconds. Accepts Metamagics. Scales with full Spell Power.
- Animate Ally: 18 second cooldown. Target no longer takes damage over time. Zombie Form is removed on Rest or Death.
- Necromantic Focus (unchanged)
Dark Discorporation: Multiselector:
- Dark Discorporation SLA (as per the Warlock spell... Because Pale Masters should get to turn into bats and float away).
- Reactive Discorporation: When your HP drops below 50%, gain Dark Discorporation for 20 seconds. This effect still ends if you attack. This effect may only trigger once every 60 seconds.
Ascendant Shroud: You get bonuses based on your current form:
- Zombie: While in Zombie Form, +20 Melee Power & 10 PRR. +10% Racial Bonus to maximum Hit Points.
- Vampire: While in Vampire Form, +1 Enchantment DC. Your melee attacks have a chance to dominate your adversaries. On Hit: Target has a chance to be Paralyzed (Will save vs. DC 20 + INT Mod + Enchantment Spell Bonuses). On Save: -10% Movement and Attack Speed.
- Wraith: While in Wraith Form, +5% Incorporeality (bringing your total to 20%, or 25% if you have Ghost in the Wind), +2 Sneak Attack Dice. +3% Dodge & Dodge Cap. +10 to Hide and Move Silently.
- Lich: While in Lich Form, +15 to MRR cap, +10 Negative Spell Power, +10 Cold and Electric Resistance, and 5% Spell Cost Reduction.
There is a new Level 9 Spell for Sorcerers and Wizards:
Rend the Soul:
- Twists unholy energies around a single foe, causing it significant negative damage over time. Deals 4 to 10 damage every two seconds for 10 seconds for every caster level up to 20. A successful fortitude save reduces damage by half. D&D Dice: Deals 1d6+4 negative damage per caster level, max 20d6+80, every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Rend the Soul:
- The spell Harm no longer has a facing requirement to be cast.
- Falconry: Killer Instinct is no longer classified as a "Debuff" for display purposes.
- Bardic Inspiration's Heal over Time should be a lot quieter now.
- Sorcerer's Fire Savant Fireball SLA should now respect the same homing/heading as the original spell.
- Fixed the tooltip for the fourth core of Nature's Warrior to reflect that the bonus it grants is a +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Multiplier.
- Favored Soul and Cleric: Silence the Wicked no longer stops movement.
- Artificer's Wrack Construct attack no longer stops movement.
- Driving Force (Barbarian Occult Slayer T4) now has the correct icon on your buff bar.
- Artificer: The effects of Converter are no longer removed on Rest.
- Dodge as a stat now has an absolute cap of 95% across all difficulties.
- The base damage multiplier for hitting helpless creatures is lowered from a 1.5 multiplier to a 1.25 multiplier. Helplessness will provide less damage increase.
- Druid: The Combat Speed Bonus to Attack Speed in Wolf Form is now 10%.
- Druid: The Combat Speed Bonus to Attack Speed in Winter Wolf Form is now 20%.
- Druid Nature's Warrior: Swift Hunter (in Nature's Warrior) now also increases Wolf Form's Combat Speed Bonus to Attack Speed to 15%, and Winter Wolf Form's Combat Speed Bonus to Attack Speed to 30%.
- Dragonborn's Racial Black Dragon Breath is also now a Conjuration spell.
- Dragonborn Breath Attacks now scale with 100% Spell Power (which puts them on the standard spell damage progression we made after this skill).
- Dragonborn's True Power enhancement now adds Conjuration DCs in addition to its Evocation DCs.
Arcane Sphere: Ancient Knowledge
- The Quarterstaves Elemental Bloom and Bone Crusher - in all level variants - have had their critical profiles adjusted and base dice increased. All versions of Elemental Bloom are now 1d8 instead of 1d6, with a base critical threat range of 19-20/x3. All versions of Bone Crusher are now 18-20/x2, and the Epic and Mythic Bone Crusher are now at 5W instead of 2W.
- The Epic Bone Crusher can now properly accept sentience. Known Issue: The Heroic Bone Crusher still accepts sentience erroneously, we're not fixing it because it would destroy all of your Sentient XP, so you're welcome :P
- Many items that have the Incite, Insightful Incite, or Quality Incite effect have had their values tripled.
- Night Revels Ingredients have crumbled to dust.
- The Epic Purifying Quiver should now better keep track of your Bludgeoning Ammunition bypass.
- The Shattered Device and Shards of Mechanus filigree sets now work properly on ranged weapons.
- Kor Kaza Runes are now properly pluralized.
- Vistani Totems and Talismans are now properly pluralized.
- Dissolvers for Cannith Crafting no longer reference dissolveeffects.
- Reaper Bonuses on Goggles now function correctly.
- Fetters of the Forgewraith should now display their custom visual effects even while glamoured.
- The Crafting Amounts of the Epic Slave Lords crafting system have been reduced significantly. Unbound Ingredient costs have moved from 400 -> 100, Bound Ingredients have moved from 100 -> 50, and Augment costs have moved from 200 -> 100.
- Bane DR has been removed from all elementals. They have, instead, been given 20% resistance to slash/pierce/blunt.
- Droaam Archers have had their appearances tweaked to correct a coloring issue.
- Dragonborn enemies should now more easily reach and attack players that run from them.
- Tactical Detonation cast by monsters no longer incorrectly uses monster duration scaling.
- The Grotto: The swimming section of the tutorial has been altered to be more easily navigated for new players.
- No Refunds: Fixed a stuck spot in the end room of "No Refunds."
- The Hound of Xoriat and Legendary Hound of Xoriat raids are once again available for Reaper play.
- The launcher will now dynamically update your position in line if you are in a login queue.
- The launcher will no longer bounce you between multiple login queues at random.
- New splash screens are now checked and downloaded, if needed, in parallel instead of one at a time. Hopefully this will reduce the time spent on this stage.
- There is a new UI option (options -> UI Options -> Hide Guild Renown Chat Feedback) that will hide your guild chat feedback whenever you earn Renown. This does not affect earning renown, only your view of it.
- Entering an Airship via any Airship Tower no longer brings up a dialogue box to confirm that you'd like to enter - instead, it will just teleport you directly.
- Portal UI (difficulty) - when selecting Reaper difficulty, the Hard and Elite streak hover-overs now appear to glow when you are eligible for them.
- Moving while attacking with Handwraps no longer causes visual streaks to appear erroneously.
The default range of a LFM posting has been adjusted from a maximum of your character level +2 and a minimum of your character level -2 to be a maximum of your character level and a minimum of your character level -2.
- For example, if you are level 15, before your default LFM range would allow for levels 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Now, your default range is 13, 14, and 15. You may still adjust levels at any time, just as before - this only changes the default values that appear when you first open the LFM panel or opt to begin hosting an Open LFM.