Update 48 Patch 3 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 48 Patch 3, released on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021.
Of Special Note:
The Snowpeaks Festival has arrived!
Read our guide to the new Snowpeaks Festival on DDO.com. Defeat Champions, collect coins, and earn Frozen Keys that let you access the Peaks themself! Spend your coins on rewards both returning and new. The Snowpeaks Festival runs through February 2nd!
News and Notes:
- Several sources of effect-related game performance degradation have been identified and corrected.
- The Fear spell now has a capped duration of eight seconds when cast against players.
- Greater Color Spray in the Feydark Illusionist enhancement tree now has its proper saving throw.
- Spells and abilities that block Magic Missiles now correctly block Chain Missiles' secondary cast portions as well.
- Reaper Boosts now last their listed duration of 30 seconds.
- Reaper Physical Resistance Rating now boosts its listed 10/20/30 PRR.
- Renewal now affects Undead and Warforged players.
The Enchantment DC display in the Details
tab no longer looks for Transmutation bonuses instead of Enchantment bonuses.
- Resistance Augments now scale correctly.
- Daily Gold Rolls for the recently-ended Season Pass program have now ended.